
Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Glimpse Into My Bipolar Life

If you’re the type who enjoys technical definitions, see the italicized description below.  If you’re the type who might read it as blah, blah, blah…just skip it.
“Also known as manic-depressive illness, bipolar is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.  Symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe.  They are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through from time to time.”
There are 3 types of bipolar disorder.  The way I understand it Bipolar I is extreme, Bipolar II is less extreme, and Bipolar NOS (not otherwise specified) is somewhere in the middle.  That one is mine.  And here is a bit of what that means.
I basically rotate through phases of mania, depression, and a mixed state.  Medication makes the symptoms milder, but especially while we’re still figuring out the best combination, they’re still there.
I don’t know about you, but when I hear “mania” I think of the looney bin.  Or maybe if you’re into Roman mythology, your first thought is “Oh yeah, that’s the ancient Roman goddess of the dead.”  WHAT?!
Well there’s a perfect example of what mania is like—it’s distraction, jumping from one idea to another, and having racing thoughts.  Those racing thoughts can be trouble.  There are times my mind seriously can’t relax enough to think about one thing at a time.  It’s like when the fairies from Sleeping Beauty switch Aurora’s dress from pink to blue to pink to blue pink, or like the end of the A Spoonful of Sugar scene when all the cleaning up gets a little crazy (see this clip at 3:40).  Does someone we all know like Disney much? Or like the feeling you get when someone switches the light switch on, off, on, off, on, off really quickly.  Unless it’s your ridiculously tall 17 month-old and then you just laugh.
With all of those racing thoughts comes another symptom—taking on new projects.  Oh not just your everyday projects, and oh not just one at a time.  These are MAJOR projects—like trying to build shutters for the back of the house and de-wallpaper the basement in the same day.  Oh and also in that day: working on a novel, starting an eighth completely unrealistic business plan, cleaning like crazy, and taking care of a toddler.  Sometimes I get super obsessive about a project and can’t do or think about anything else until it’s done, but usually I bounce from project to project to project and none of it gets done.
Sleeping can be tricky—and it’s not just the racing thoughts or the need to work on all those projects.  Sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night feeling completely rested, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed.  Then I have to remember how important sleep is—especially for us bipolar people.
Another symptom of mania is impulsivity and engaging in high-risk behaviors.  There are times when I feel an urge to spend a lot of money, but fortunately I can recognize that it’s not okay and keep that one in check.  My dreams are crazy when I’m manic. Crazy I say. And I’m sure everyone—including me!—is grateful all my super wild behavior is not happening in real life.
I feel so restless when I’m manic (and not just the restless like I don’t need to sleep)—it’s like I’ve got to find something BIG I can do to change the world.  I know all you sweet people out there will tell me that my most important contribution to society is my family and the person that I am.  When I’m manic though, I can’t see that.  I can’t see that I’m having an unrealistic belief in my abilities--I feel like it’s my responsibility to single-handedly positively impact all of humanity and I need to figure out how to do it, but it’s so frustrating that I can’t.  That is restlessness.
During a manic phase I feel overly happy (weird that that’s even possible), overly energetic (who wouldn’t want that?), and overly productive (which also seems very desirable).  Unfortunately there can be too much of a good thing. As attractive as that all sounds—the higher the high, the deeper the low.  But sometimes the lows don’t reflect the highs—sometimes I can go from feeling somewhat even to feeling down, down, down.
I’ve been in a long depressive phase lately.  I’m so grateful that I can say that it’s a phase, and that it’s not something that’s going to last.  My heart breaks for those who experience full-time depression.  It is not pleasant. 
Basically, when I’m depressed it’s just that—sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest in everything, low energy, etc.  I feel like I’m just dragging all the time and sometimes it is seriously all I can do to leave the bed in the morning—or on those days—late morning.  I really feel like I’m constantly carrying a weight—like a heavy backpack. And often I am even sore.  For a couple of days this week I was so irritable, like way beyond pms irritable.  It was the only feeling I could feel and I was even irritated at myself for feeling irritable!
Another extreme symptom is thinking of death.  I’m not going to dwell on this, but it needs to be said that this a very real, and thankfully rare, part of depression that has happened to me and I am so grateful that both times I’ve been able to step back and realize what was going on.
When I’m depressed, sometimes get a lot of anxiety—like I did a couple of weeks ago.  Not just, “Oh I’m so nervous about speaking in public.”  It’s more like feeling like something terrible has happened, having a lump in my throat, and feeling sick to my stomach.  There were several days when my anxiety was so severe, I was throwing up.  My anxiety gives me frequent disturbing thoughts, and for me, my dislike of the dark goes to total fear of the dark. Sometimes bipolar people experience manic or depressive psychosis.  Thank heaven I don’t regularly experience that, but during this episode I did.  I woke up during the night and had a sensation that hundreds of young children were coming into my room and pulling on the covers asking me to help them. If I have to experience psychosis, I think I’d rather experience the manic kind where they say you feel like a famous person or have special powers or something. 
Oh man.  Now we really need to talk about something happy.  So, when all of this was happening, I received a priesthood blessing and since then I’ve been able to keep my food down, and although I’m still in a depressive phase, my anxiety has dramatically decreased.  I am so grateful.
For me, mixed states usually last a couple of days or so.  I never knew this was possible before experiencing it, but during those times, I honestly cannot distinguish happy from sad. It’s not that I feel numb, or that I feel up then down then up--it’s that I feel really happy and really sad at the same time.  I wish I could compare it to something more relatable, but it’s just confusing.  I guess it’s kind of like the color purple.  It’s a combination of red and blue, but you can’t see them separately.
Now to end on a happy note, here’s a little something that made me smile yesterday.
While we were driving Abbey and I were jamming out to “Frosty the Snowman.”  Then we got out of the car and she pointed to the ground.  She smiled and started singing “Snow-oh, snow-oh, snow-oh…”


  1. Thank you for this. I like your "Cool people with bipolar" sidebar, too. What can we (people who care about you) do? What is helpful/what is annoying? I appreciate your perspective.

  2. Good to see you last week. Hang in there!

  3. I love your questions Melanie! I'm going to make them the topic of my next post. :)

  4. Thanks Caitlin! You are such a strong and amazing lady. It is awesome you are able to be so candid about your bi-polar so others can understand a little more of your battle and others who struggle in similar situations. Thanks!

  5. Caitlin,
    so for our son who has Schizo Affective disorder ( which is basically Bi-polar( manic side) that even when medicated he has major blimps or bouts of disorganized thinking, child like behavior, unpredictable agitation and grandiose thinking) he struggles with the slightest changes in ins meds. As a young adult, age 24, diagnosed Nov 2008, he does not want to believe he has an illness. He is one who does become so paranoid thinking everyone is out to get him, he will start a job and can't keep it as he has such high anxiety that he can't stay stable and work. But being young, he does not want to believe it. When he has a major ful blown manic deposit, he sees in colors, he loves the euphoric feeling which makes it so hard to keep him on his meds as he loves that feeling.

    Winter is so hard for most with mental illnesses. He typically cycles out this time of the year. It is happening right now, but since he is not currently under commitment, we have to wait till he is completely gone as he will not go in willingly. It is a waiting game right now for us...

    I am grateful that you are sharing your story. So many folks have zero idea and are typically judgmental just cause they do not understand, not that they are mean folks, it is really just a lack of knowledge. Your blog shares insight to folks to help them understand.

    We think of you often!

