
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Never Undone

“You can do it,” I tell my little girl as she gets dressed.  “One thing at a time,” I say as I hand her pieces of darling clothing someone thoughtfully left on our porch one day.  I’m thinking of everything I have to do today and realizing that oh so much of it is all-too-similar to what I already did yesterday and what I’ll do again tomorrow.

And the day after that.

And the day after that.

I’ll do dishes again and they’ll get undone again.  I’ll do laundry again and it’ll get undone again. Sweep—undone. Pick up stuff a hundred times—undone a hundred times.  Some days, some things never even get done in the first place, and most days, it seems like things will always be this way.  But as wiser women say, one day when there aren’t any toys to pick up, I’ll miss these days because after all, things won’t always be this way.

Except for one thing.  I will always love my daughter. 

Even if I have to change her outfit eight times today, that love will never change.

Even if I pick up her toys more than a million times today, I will still love her for more than a million years.

And even if I need to wash her hands and face two dozen times today, that love will never wash away.

So, chin up to anyone who feels the same sort of daily monotony—

Even if everything else you do today comes completely undone, take heart and just know this:

Some things--the most important ones--can never come undone.


  1. I love this post Caitlin! It is so true, too. Thank you.

  2. I'm Grace's SIL. She sent me this link. Perfect timing as I sat crying over this same frustration. Thank you.

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